New Features! (Dec 2022 - Feb, 2023)

🔥 Transfer Background Personalization

How would you like to TRANSFER the dynamic background of your AI video to your transition video to keep consistency and "WOW" your prospects even more with hyper-personalization?

The transfer background personalization is a feature designed to keep the background consistent if you upload a video of yourself or your spokesperson. So, for example, an AI avatar appears with a particular background behind it; once it's done talking, it then transitions to a video of a real human; the platform automatically strips off the background and replaces it with the one from behind the AI avatar, magic!

Transfer BG personalization

🔥 LipEngine 2.0 - FULL-HD Videos

After a long time of research and development, our new LipEngine model is finally here. We started to build this significant improvement almost one year ago, and the time has come.

The new model is a monster and capable of producing super high-definition Hollywood-like results; it generates a much better visual quality of the lips, eyes, skin, hair, and teeth.

🔥 NEW! Full Body Actor (+7 Upcoming Early Next Week)

New female actor - plus additional 7 full-body actors, are being prepared and will be uploaded to the system asap!

🔥 Scrolling Dynamic Backgrounds 

You can now have scrolling video backgrounds of your prospects' entire website for a more realistic look and feel — no more static images!

Scrolling Dynamic Backgrounds

🔥 Integrate with multiple TTS providers (BETA)

This is for those who said or thought our premium voices sound robotic. Think you can find better? Well, you will have the power to import voices from your favorite providers (,, Fliki), so no more excuses!

Lovo + coming up next!

External TTS integrations

🔥 Dub Personalization 2.0 (ETA: Feb, 2023)

Record a single video once, and personalize it for thousands of recipients. Thanks to our groundbreaking voice cloning integration and seamless lip-syncing, your videos will look as real as it gets! 

This feature is coming this month (Feb, 2023)

🔥 Also added:

  • Voice uploading - You upload an mp3, and we lip-sync it!  
  • Download invoices from the Billing section
  • Moved to a new helpdesk system for better support
  • Add new contacts based on existing variables
  • Rearranged and improved UX for dashboard and analytics